View All
Under Construction
Model Homes
Recently Completed
Design Studio
New Condo Common Area
Connectt B - 2
- October 2023
112 Grady Drive - 6
Klein Estates - Pelican Part 2
Klein Estates - Pelican Part 2
Luxury New Home Ensuite
Aurora Glen
Do It Differently
Do It Differently
Connectt B - 6
- October 2023
Connectt B - 1
- October 2023
North Oakville New Home - Kitchen
North Oakville
West Brant Heights - Fir Model 2
West Brant Heights
Toronto Downtown Condo
UltraSonic - 1
Kitchen and Living Room
116 Grady Drive - 6
Classic New Home Exterior
Sonic - Presentation Centre Kitchen
Luxury Home Bathroom
New Corner Home
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Living Area
Sonic - Presentation Centre Entrance
Klein Estates 8
Klein Estates
- October 2023
116 Grady Drive - 1
Klein Estates 5
Klein Estates
- October 2023
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Kitchen
116 Grady Drive - 5
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model 3
West Brant Heights
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Exterior
North Oakville - Oak Park VR Tour
North Oakville - Oak Park VR Tour
UltraSonic - 6
Connectt Condos 1
- October 2023
Aurora Glen 10
Aurora Glen
The Pelican - 7
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Modern Home Kids Bedroom
Aurora Glen
West Brant Heights - Fir Model 3
West Brant Heights
Modern Home Breakfast Nook
Aurora Glen
Royal HIll 1
Royal Hill
- October 2023
Klein Estates 3
Klein Estates
- October 2023
North Oakville Luxury Home - Kitchen
North Oakville
Klein Estates 9
Klein Estates
- October 2023
North Oakville Luxury Home - Hallway
North Oakville
Gracefields 5
- October 2023
North Oakville New Home - Bedroom
North Oakville
New Home Exterior Aurora
Gracefields 1
- October 2023
112 Grady Drive - 1
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Sitting Area
UltraSonic - 2
Ultra Modern Kitchen
The Pelican - 5
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Luxury Home Shower
Aurora Glen
112 Grady Drive - 7
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Reception
The Pelican - 3
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
New Home Staircase
Royal HIll 3
Royal Hill
- October 2023
Aurora Glen 9
Aurora Glen
North Oakville - Maple VR Tour
North Oakville - Maple VR Tour
Modern Home Master Bedroom
Aurora Glen
Sonic - Presentation Centre Office
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model 2
West Brant Heights
North Oakville New Home - Living Room
North Oakville
Newcastle Home - Bedroom
The Towns at Gracefields
Newcastle Home - Living Room
The Towns at Gracefields
North Oakville Luxury Home - Dining Area
North Oakville
Aurora Glen 3
Aurora Glen
UltraSonic - 5
Spring Valley Junction - Presentation Centre Kitchen and Dining
Connectt Condos 5
- October 2023
Gracefields 4
- October 2023
The Quail - Signature - 9
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Spring Valley Junction - Presentation Centre Interior
Sonic - Presentation Centre Living Room
Royal HIll 4
Royal Hill
- October 2023
West Brant Heights - Fir Model 1
West Brant Heights
Traditional Bedroom Design
New Home Newcastle Exterior
North Oakville Luxury Home - Living Room
North Oakville
Klein Estates - Pelican Part 1
Klein Estates - Pelican Part 1
North Oakville New Home - Shower
North Oakville
The Pelican - 1
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Klein Estates 6
Klein Estates
- October 2023
Aurora Glen 8
Aurora Glen
The Pelican - 6
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Modern Bedroom Design
The Quail - Signature - 7
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Newcastle Home - Kitchen
The Towns at Gracefields
Gracefields 7
- October 2023
Klein Estates 2
Klein Estates
- October 2023
The Quail - Signature - 6
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
116 Grady Drive - 9
Traditional Home Exterior
Modern Laundry Room
The Quail - Signature - 4
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Cute Bathroom
North Oakville - The Maple
North Oakville - The Maple
Aurora Glen 12
Aurora Glen
Klein Estates 7
Klein Estates
- October 2023
Aurora Glen 1
Aurora Glen
Sonic - Presentation Centre Shower
Klein Estates - The Quail VR Tour
Klein Estates - The Quail VR Tour
New Condominium Bar Area
Connectt Condos 2
- October 2023
Bright Modern Kitchen
Modern Kitchen with Dinning Area
Aurora Glen - The Laurel
Aurora Glen - The Laurel
The Quail - Signature - 3
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Front Desk
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection - Vista VR Tour
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection - Vista VR Tour
116 Grady Drive - 4
Gracefields Redux - Fleetwood VR Tour
Gracefields Redux - Fleetwood VR Tour
The Quail - Signature - 10
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
North Oakville 2
North Oakville
The Quail - Signature - 5
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Modern New Home Nursery
Aurora Glen
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model 5
West Brant Heights
Modern New Home Kitchen
Modern Home Kids Study Area
Aurora Glen
North Oakville 5
North Oakville
Connectt B - 7
- October 2023
Sonic - Presentation Centre Front Desk
112 Grady Drive - 4
Sonic - Presentation Centre Exterior
Radio Commercial
Radio Commercial
Connectt Condos 6
- October 2023
North Oakville Luxury Home - Foyer
North Oakville
Spring Valley Junction - Presentation Centre Kitchen
The Pelican - 4
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Classic Condo Living Room
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Signage
North Oakville 1
North Oakville
112 Grady Drive - 3
New Home Exterior Brampton
The Quail - Signature - 1
North Oakville
Aurora Glen 6
Aurora Glen
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Kitchen Details
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Model
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Model Suite
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Model Kitchen
Modern Home Office
116 Grady Drive - 8
The Quail - Signature - 2
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
West Brant Heights - Acacia VR Tour
West Brant Heights - Acacia VR Tour
West Brant Heights - Fir Model 4
West Brant Heights
The Quail - Signature - 8
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Connectt B - 8
- October 2023
North Oakville 3
North Oakville
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Sales Area
Glen Abbey 6
Glen Abbey Encore
Glen Abbey 4
Glen Abbey Encore
Gracefields Redux - Kinmount VR Tour
Gracefields Redux - Kinmount VR Tour
Connect Presentation Centre - 8
- October 2023
Sonic - Presentation Centre Living Area
Klein Estates 4
Klein Estates
- October 2023
Modern Home Guest Bedroom
Aurora Glen 4
Aurora Glen
Luxury Home with Grand Piano
Aurora Glen
The Enclave at Aurora Glen
The Enclave at Aurora Glen
Connectt B - 10
- October 2023
Connectt B - 4
- October 2023
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model 1
West Brant Heights
Spring Valley Junction - Presentation Centre Exterior
Glen Abbey 5
Glen Abbey Encore
Connectt B - 9
- October 2023
UltraSonic - 7
Aurora Glen 5
Aurora Glen
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Exterior
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model 4
West Brant Heights
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Kitchen
Gracefields 3
- October 2023
116 Grady Drive - 3
UltraSonic - 4
Traditional Home Living Room
116 Grady Drive - 2
Condo Dining Room
Klein Estates - The Pelican VR Tour
Klein Estates - The Pelican VR Tour
New Home in Vaughan Exterior
112 Grady Drive - 2
Newcastle Home - Dining Room
The Towns at Gracefields
Connectt B - 5
- October 2023
Aurora Glen 7
Aurora Glen
The Pelican - 2
Klein Estates Singles
- October 2023
Newcastle Home - Bathroom
The Towns at Gracefields
Gracefields 2
- October 2023
Connectt Condos 3
- October 2023
Luxury Home Siting Area
SuperSonic Presentation Centre - Bathroom
Luxury Sitting Room
UltraSonic - 3
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection - Dune VR Tour
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection - Dune VR Tour
North Oakville Luxury Home - Fireplace
North Oakville
Klein Estates 1
Klein Estates
- October 2023
North Oakville New Home - Dining Room
North Oakville
Glen Abbey 3
Glen Abbey Encore
Aurora Glen 2
Aurora Glen
New Maple Home
North Oakville 4
North Oakville
116 Grady Drive - 10
Glen Abbey 1
Glen Abbey Encore
112 Grady Drive - 5
Glen Abbey 2
Glen Abbey Encore
West Brant Heights - Fir VR Tour
West Brant Heights - Fir VR Tour
Royal HIll 2
Royal Hill
- October 2023
North Oakville New Home - Family Room
North Oakville
Connectt B - 3
- October 2023
Sonic - Presentation Centre Model Suite
Modern Home Exterior
North Oakville 6
North Oakville
Spring Valley Junction - Presentation Centre Reception
Aurora Glen 11
Aurora Glen
116 Grady Drive - 7
Condominiums Party Room
Gracefields 6
- October 2023
Connectt Condos 4
- October 2023
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Kitchen Sink
Aurora Glen - Presentation Centre Digital Displays
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection
Klein Estates The Townhome Collection
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River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
River Ridge on the Valley - October 2023
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Acacia Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
West Brant Heights - Fir Model
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